The Influence of Art on Child Development

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Being creative, using arts and crafts, can be an important factor in influencing children’s development. Allowing children to get creative with paint or crafting things with materials typically found in the home is a very common activity with young children. But have you ever wondered why it’s so important to our children? What are the reasons behind getting them involved in arts and crafts and how can you optimize their learning experience?

Here are some of the most important reasons why incorporating arts and crafts into your child’s development.

A MEANS TO expresSING creativity

Using arts and crafts is an excellent way to provide your child with a space to express their creativity. They can get involved in many different projects such as learning to make this galaxy slime, drawing their favorite cartoon characters, or even taking inspiration from still life around them. Creativity can help improve your child’s imagination, giving them new ways to express themselves. It can also help them develop new interests or exploring existing ones in more depth.

DevElopING FINE motor skills

Children use their fingers a lot during arts and crafts, whether it holding a crayon or learning to use scissor. These activities help children develop their fine motor skills and it teaches them to coordinate their hands. Whether they’re painting with a brush, drawing with pencils or crafting things with glue and card, arts and crafts is an excellent way to help your children improve their motor skills. In the future, your children will quickly pick up different skills like eating with utensils, using a pencil to write and tying their shoelaces thanks to their improved motor skills.

promotes bonding between parent and child

Thanks to all the apps on our smartphones and tablets, we tend to take a hands-off approach in teaching our children and parenting in general. Unfortunately, this means that the bonds between parents and their children are a lot weaker than they used to be. When you start introducing arts and crafts to your children, it’s a great opportunity for you to bond with your child. You can teach them different techniques, create art with them, or even just watch over them and ask questions about the choices they are making in their art.

develops communication skills

Arts and crafts can be a surprisingly good way to help your child improve their communication skills. For instance, you can ask them questions like “what’s that a drawing of?” or “why did you pick those colors?”. Challenging them with questions like this can help them learn new words to describe their decisions. It also helps them develop social skills if they engage in arts and crafts with friends or siblings.

boosts self-esteem and confidence

Lastly, arts and crafts can also help children build a sense of confidence and self-esteem. Children get a great sense of achievement when they finish creating something. It allows them to take pride in their work and it encourages them to try new things. It also helps them develop patience, learn from their mistakes and encourages them to create something new and different in the future.