The Facts About Bedwetting and Accidents: An Interview with Steve Hodges, M.D.

The Facts About Bedwetting and Accidents:  An Interview with Steve Hodges, M.D.

I often meet parents distressed by their children’s potty accidents or bedwetting. They ask: Why is it happening? Will my child outgrow it? What can I do? I recently discovered a terrific resource for answering these questions: Steve Hodges, M.D., a pediatric urologist at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

Top Tips for Spending More Time With Your Family 

Your family, especially if you have children, are important people in your life. When you are a parent, it can be difficult. While you juggle your own life, mental health, work, and responsibilities, you also have the needs of your children to meet. More than that though, you want to be able to spend quality time with them. Your children won’t be young forever, so you must cherish the time you have together and make an effort to bond with them. 

This can often be a challenge to do, and many people feel that the only way to achieve this is through material things or holidays. While adventures and big things are great, there are also small, everyday things that you can do to help increase the time you spend with your family, while making it enjoyable. 

To help you in your journey as a parent, here are some top tips for spending more time with your family. 

Eat meals together 

One of the simplest things you can do to increase the time you spend with your family is to eat meals together. More often than not, parents will give children their meals at a separate time, or in a separate place, for example, making them eat at the table while they sit on the sofa. However, this is a prime opportunity for some bonding. Why not schedule a dinner time that works around your work and your children’s hobbies, and eat meals together? This way you can share a meal, while talking to each other about your day and connect on a deeper level. You can extend this by cooking together as well. There are many family-friendly meals and recipes out there that you can all make together, whether it is homemade barbecue sauce and burgers, or make-your-own-pizzas, children usually love to get involved, get messy, and be creative. It is also extremely rewarding for you all to eat what you have made together, and give you new things to talk about and experiment with.

Plan adventures in your local area

You don’t have to go far to have a cool adventure. Children have huge imaginations and can make up completely new worlds just in the backyard. Getting outside in nature has a wealth of benefits for everyone, so not only can you better support your family’s mental health, but you can also get their creative juices flowing and join in the fun with them. Kids would love nothing more than for their parents to enter their world and let loose. So, go in the backyard, go to the local park, or drive down to the woods, and go have some fun with your children. Get involved in the stories that they make up, get messy with them, and make sure everyone laughs. This is one of the best ways you can spend time with your family. 

Start a hobby together

Hobbies are a great way for children to learn new skills and experiment with their abilities. Starting a hobby together can be a great way to combine the benefits of starting something new while spending quality time together. Pick something you are all interested in and something that none of you have tried yet. This way you can all be new together, which is a humbling experience and a great way to bond. Great connections can be made with you and your children when you equal the playing field and learn, fail, and laugh together. 

Spending quality time with your family is crucial. Try some of these top tips today.